Thursday, December 27, 2012
Kindness cures!
I was completely blessed by the people who went out of their way to help during my recent surgery. People offered to help with children, cleaning and anything else I might need. Others simply showed up with food. These simple acts of kindness went so far with me and my family to make us feel loved and supported. Sometimes those simple acts are more important than we even know. A woman held the door for me and my son as we walked toward it the other day. She waited for us. This shouldn't have surprised me but it did. It seems like most of the time, people are so busy and caught up with their own lives that they don't even notice those around them. Most people any more are grumpy, angry and entitled to their negative feelings. Then we wonder how something as horrible as the Newtown shooting can happen. We live in a state of disconnect most of the time. Many people only interact with others through technology any more and so forget how to interact face to face. So we don't interact. We hustle around the grocery store only focused on our task and not at all at the people we rush past. I have become friends with Kristin at the grocery store, simply by saying hi when I see her every time and genuinely caring how she was. At first she was surprised that I would take the time. And now every time I go in, she is genuinely happy to see me. One act of making eye contact with someone and taking a second to treat them like a worthy human being, is all it may take to turn someones day or even life around. There are so many people who live in a fog, a life where they feel so alone and unimportant, that they don't even know how to reach out for help. One person taking the time to see them, could mean salvation for them. Imagine if you did this next time you are out in town. Smiled, said hi, were kind to the people you encountered. They may feel better and continue the trend. It's the old pay it forward. Try it. I would love to hear your experiences. Mine have been positive! Not only do you make new friends but are usually blessed to be on the receiving end of their kindness as well. A rich life is measured by the relationships you have and the memories you make. Break the trend, connect today and watch your life get richer and more fulfilling.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Whoop there it is!
Old school music has found it's way into our gym rotation lately. It's funny how music, no mater how basic or era specific, can take you back to a different time or make you feel things you don't expect. Most of the old school rap is about, "tellin it like it is". It's life as they see it and everyone needs to know about it. But I doubt that Will Smith still thinks, "Parents just don't understand". He is now a parent and I am sure has found himself on the other side of the equation. Being on the other side of that equation now myself, I find that I am now, not only re-evaluating my view of my parents, "not understanding", but also, many other things that I was just, "so sure about at one time-or-another. When I first became a parent, I had all these plans about how I would be the perfect parent. My children would be perfect. I would have everything under control at all times, not just in their lives, but in mine as well. As time went on, the reality of life set in, I had to learn to relax my expectations a little. My children did not eat all-natural home-made food at all times. I did manage to nurse them as long as I wanted and most of the food I feed them is healthy. It used to be that I would beat myself up because the result wasn't exactly what I expected it to be. However, now, I'm celebrating the victories I have had and their end results are actually, pretty-darn-good, so far. Now, I am not making an excuse to give up on ideals, no, in fact it is those "ideals" that propel us forward and help us to keep growing and changing. Rather I am challenging you to look at whether the ideas you hold on to still measure up to where you are in life, or are you holding on to something, just to hold on to it?
I just left the Dr.s office and I have an appointment to have my gallbladder taken out. Now, this is not an easy decision for me. I work very hard at keeping my body healthy and approaching my health in as natural a way as possible. However, I have reached the decision to have mine taken out. It quit working. Why? I don't know. No one knows. The suggestions for preventing this would be to exercise and eat well, but that is not the problem here. It just decided to stop working. I asked, if I could make it work again and was met with a, no. You will have it out, now or later. You can put up with the trouble it is giving you or you can take it out and get on with life, feeling better. Apparently you can operate just fine with out it. So it is coming out. This whole process has made me think about those ideals and pressures that we hold on to that we don't need to. They are only, making us uncomfortable. But because we made a statement at one time that life is one way or another, we feel like we have to hold to our statements and keep ourselves from growing past it. If I am sure of one thing, it is that life will throw us curve balls. If you are too stiff, or too committed before you know what is coming, you are going to get suckered into a strike. Stay loose. Know which direction your aiming and that you will get there, just maybe not on this pitch. Stay encouraged. Stay focused on the over all goal, but let go of the little details that are holding you back, not getting you where you are going. So "Whoop there it is"! Let go of the things that are holding you back and "You got to get up to get down" or get down to get up, it all depends on how you look at it, but, "Jump around"!
I just left the Dr.s office and I have an appointment to have my gallbladder taken out. Now, this is not an easy decision for me. I work very hard at keeping my body healthy and approaching my health in as natural a way as possible. However, I have reached the decision to have mine taken out. It quit working. Why? I don't know. No one knows. The suggestions for preventing this would be to exercise and eat well, but that is not the problem here. It just decided to stop working. I asked, if I could make it work again and was met with a, no. You will have it out, now or later. You can put up with the trouble it is giving you or you can take it out and get on with life, feeling better. Apparently you can operate just fine with out it. So it is coming out. This whole process has made me think about those ideals and pressures that we hold on to that we don't need to. They are only, making us uncomfortable. But because we made a statement at one time that life is one way or another, we feel like we have to hold to our statements and keep ourselves from growing past it. If I am sure of one thing, it is that life will throw us curve balls. If you are too stiff, or too committed before you know what is coming, you are going to get suckered into a strike. Stay loose. Know which direction your aiming and that you will get there, just maybe not on this pitch. Stay encouraged. Stay focused on the over all goal, but let go of the little details that are holding you back, not getting you where you are going. So "Whoop there it is"! Let go of the things that are holding you back and "You got to get up to get down" or get down to get up, it all depends on how you look at it, but, "Jump around"!
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